
What Were Your Best and Worst Beauty Experiences of the Week-_14

What Were Your Best and Worst Beauty Experiences of the Week?


What were your best and worst beauty experiences of the week?


My hair has been the bane of my existence for the past two months. I’m talking out-of-control roots, brassy highlights and overgrown layers that don’t sit right. Yesterday, I *finally* got it together and scheduled a cut and color for Wednesday. I’m counting down the hours!


I was sitting on the couch watching Mad Men (SIDE NOTE: Has everyone on that show completely lost their mind?) when Tabs climbed onto my lap looking for lurvies. He reached up, placing both paws on my shoulder, which is what he does when he wants his tummy rubbed. I started petting, but something felt a little off. The fur on his belly, usually super soft, felt coarse and dry. When I looked down, I realized I was petting my own hair… My eighth grade self would have described the incident as “Hella moded.” :) Guess it’s a good thing I scheduled that haircut, LOL!

What were your best and worst beauty experiences of the week? Please share yours in the comments.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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